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About Association

سه شنبه نهم آذر ماه 1400

Established in 1970, the Iranian Established in 1970, the Iranian Political Science Association (IPSA) is a non-profit institution. As one of the official scientific associations in Iran, the IPSA has continued its activities since 2001 and is managed by professors of political science in various scientific fields. In the new era, the Iranian Political Science Association focuses its efforts on topics such as methodology, literature and politics, politics and economics, women and politics, international relations, regulatory policy, public policy, and political economy, and phenomenology and politics. In addition to holding scientific meetings, publishing books and articles, and collaborating with policy-making institutions on a wide range of issues, the Iranian Political Science Association holds many other activities. Publication of the Journal of Political Science, the series called phenomenology and politics, and the Iranian Year Book of Phenomenology are among them.



